Welcome to the creative home of artist and maker Charlotte Lyons.

o, december


O, my! Thanks for all the kit love! I'm so glad you like them and thrilled that so many of you came back for more because you liked the Silver Bella kits that much. I am a bit overwhelmed - though excited!- with the new stack of orders and have uncovered yet another small vintage stash to sort. Happy to report that means that there are more of the Westmoreland kits underway for you. And I have another little thing coming. I think.

My neighbor is decorating his house with strings of lights unrolled all across the yard. He's all decked out in his plaid lumberjack coat, work gloves and ear-flap canvas hat. Norman Rockwell right out my back door! Looks like it must be December!   xoC

whoa, december

westmoreland drive