Welcome to the creative home of artist and maker Charlotte Lyons.

vote, vote, vote for my cover

Coverdj08_3_2The cover of the next Home Companion is up for voting on their site. Please-o-please go over there and vote for cover #3 which features my Sweet Mountain Holiday collection for Midwest! That in itself is so cool- simply to be a candidate! And it is tough competition considering another one has an adorable pup in it! Never fear, I'm hoping I can count on you, my dears, to vote for #3....as often as you can. No personal information is required other than a checkmark response to 2 questions about where you get the magazine and roughly for how long. No email address or anything else is requested.

And then, although it will say that the survey has been completed on your machine...it lets you take the survey again so you can still vote again, and then again, and then....!! You can use the magazine link also and click the option on the left to Choose our next cover.


Thanks so much! If my cover wins, there will be an awesome give-away over here. So lurkers and commenters, here's your chance to show the power of our blogging universe. No matter what though, you know I love you guys.  xoC


my garden at the ny gift show