House Wren Studio

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raggedy wreath

Molliemakes holiday

Just a bit ago, my copy of this darling book arrived. Mollie Makes Christmas is full of pretty little projects to make for the holidays. Happily, I have a few inspiration projects inside too.


This is one of my true favorites. Almost everything I needed was right here in the studio (or closet). I used a styro ring, but it could even be made from a ring of cardboard, traced off a dinner plate, padded with bubble wrap or quilt batting and then wrapped in whatever you have. You could make the little bird or use a purchased one. Then just rummage through the junk box for little things to decorate it with. Here are the simple instructions.


(Loved making the decorated page too!) You might remember that there is another version here.

Time to begin thinking about the holidays and making for gifts and home. I'll have some new things in my Etsy shop soon too. It all happens so fast!