House Wren Studio

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the short version


The big story continues to be caring for my mom. After trying to do so at home, the enormity of the emotional and physical challenges was wearing  both of us down and her condition seemed to be so diminished that I decided to take her to the ER. That began the next steps of hospital stay and testing to see what had happened to bring about so much drastic change. Sometimes getting all eyes focused at once, together, in unison, is a good idea.

Today she heads for a rehab stint at what I'm calling the nursing spa. Hopefully, the physical therapy will help bring her back a little farther. I'm still struggling with the new reality, determined to shape it with as many questions, ideas, requests and bouquets of flowers that I can manage. The assistance of friends has been necessary and humbling and generous, pulling us through these few difficult weeks.

All of this takes place, of course, in the midst of so much else. Erin's bridal shower was last weekend in Chicago- which I managed to get to after all. It was completely wonderful and refreshing to be with her, to see their happiness!

And lots of stuff before that. If I look at images or calendar notes, it comes back, but otherwise it's pretty much a blurry mess.

I am trying to stay creative, dragging my work basket along with me. Tucked inside the tote full of medical records and other things (always put her lipstick on!), it offers a minute to stitch or sketch and that's somehow enough.

I'll be back.

In full swing.

With good news.

And crafts.

Yes, please.
