House Wren Studio

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hearts away


Some of you, dear blog readers, are in Australia. Another terrible headline opened the news here today. Please know our hearts go out to you and that we are sending our thoughts and support your way as these wildfires devastate the Victoria countryside.

We are watching the news with added interest here. Coincidentally, our Mo is heading to Sydney next week and some of you remember that she is a volunteer firefighter. We don't expect that to be a part of her study experience there, though I do worry about all her challenges on this adventure- where she will go, what she will do. Several of you generously offered to help if she needs anything. Such kindness, the best part about blogging and connections.

My brother's daughter, Kelly is a wildfire fighter in Montana. The family stories and news accounts about her fire-jumping missions are remarkable and frightening. Surprising how these 2 cousins who have only seen each other at a few family reunions when they were little girls, how they both ended up in this field.

Hopefully, there are many, many brave firefighters and volunteers to offer their assistance now. I found this link where we can contribute toward disaster relief and rebuilding from our side of the world.

Hoping that all of you are still safe in your homes, far from harm's way.