Welcome to the creative home of artist and maker Charlotte Lyons.

postnotes :: 8


Life Wool shrinks or expands according to one's courage.

~ Anais Nin

That quote from yesterday rings true- still busy, busy over here, and enjoying it very much. Getting the kits built, packed, shipped. Thanks so much for the orders. I'm out of time and felt for the moment- though I will come back to these if you missed out. It's gratifying to see so many of the same names each time I do this. Some of you deserve frequent shopper points. (Good idea for the future.) Intending to dream up more projects and kits for you.

And thanks too for all the e-news sign ups. Erin set me up with that for my birthday and I already think it's the perfect gift for someone like me who needs a lot of hand-holding in the modern world of computers. She's using the same company for her program center at Harvard and says all good things about it. So there's my shout-out for Constant Contact. It's very user-friendly and easy to custom build, sort of like Typepad's blog templates and system (shout-out #2). So please do sign up at any time using that mailing list link up top on the right or click here. I won't share your info and plan to use the program for newsletters and kit/shop alerts.

Lots of you want to know when the mice will be available again. I am itching to get back to those soon. Silver Bella kits are next up and an article deadline too. In the bigger picture, all of that pales in comparison to what's happening over the next few days. It's a Life thing.....and today's quote in original form sums it up. Think I'll save that for tomorrow. xoC

moving on up

postcard :: 36