House Wren Studio

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color cans


Time to get something crafty going over here. In my mail stack there was an autographed! comp copy of Rosie's new craft book. These decorated cans (photo by Paul Whicheloe) are a project I originally did for her magazine years ago when they did a story on my new book, Between Friends. The editors of her wonderful craft book chose a few of those projects to recreate and include in the new collection. So, so nice- then and now!

Maybe you know how much I love picking something out of the green bin and reworking it. Recognize the beginnings here? Coffee, beans, olives. Just clean, paint and decorate the clean cans with paper strips, rick rack, painted details. The biggest challenge is the sharp spur left by the can opener inside the rim. Use pliers to pinch it flat and then paper over it to protect your fingers. I always think of this as a summer craft for the back yard with children, but why not right now?

I would do anything outside today. Sun shining, birds pulling things out of the scruffy yard. I'm going out to look around too. In the green bin... the grass and the sky.