House Wren Studio

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stirring spring


Just when we start getting all excited about the warmer, sunnier days, they turn grey and cool again. That's spring though. Can't count on it to stay the same any day. And really, I'm grateful that it isn't flooding or blowing us away. Church sale season is just around the corner and it's a good day to think about donations. Plenty here to pass along. Love that feeling of dropping off a big box of things that just want to go there, disappear into the church hall stacked high with other bundles of good intentions. On the way home I will congratulate myself for donating, getting it out of here. And begin counting the days until I can go back and buy it all again.

Someone donated these little glass flower picks one year. There were 2 boxes and I only bought one. Now that was silly. First of all, they were a set of 12 and I broke that up. Secondly, they are so pretty and unusual, what was I thinking! Of course, I have no idea when I'll be serving drinks that require these fragile stirrers, clinging to the edges of delicate glasses with their tiny glass hooks. That's what they are, right? Maybe I should donate them you think the other box might be returning too? Then someone might buy them anew and throw a big fancy party for 12. A lawn party with drinks in heirloom crystal glasses where these sweet stems could decorate the rims as they were meant to. Waved in the air like little floral batons to conduct a musing anecdote. And then rest on hand-embroidered cocktail napkins, freshly starched and ironed for the occasion.

Nah. Maybe I'll put them inside a little shadow box. Someday. If nothing else, they deserve way better than a safe spot at the back of the drawer. At least the front. Like I said, time to fill those boxes for the church.