House Wren Studio

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pieces of heart :: 11


These are Maggie's found hearts she collected over the years, dragging them back and forth across country from move to move and then finally placing them inside this shadowbox for me, for my birthday a few years ago. Every time I look at it I am reminded of her, my dear and funny Mags, her eye for artful things, meaningful things that we prize as a family of collectors. And of course, her sweet thoughtfulness so like her sisters too- the heart-shaped treasures I value most.

She stopped by Monday and we went for a walk in the super mild weather that felt like spring except that it's February. (Today we are back to winter.) She wanted to hear all about the trip to California- maybe you do too.

After arriving in LA, I spent a wonderful afternoon and evening with our friends near Pasadena. I loved being with them- to sit and talk, look through their photos of the wedding, imagine how in the world we are going to do this too.

Sweet Suzi picked me up the next morning and off we went to walk the CHA show. So, so much to see, miles of it! Highlights: visiting with Anna, meeting Jenni, Tim, Jenny, seeing Claudine (for 2 seconds), catching Rebecca and Carolyn on the fly, navigating Anaheim with Pam. Then another wonderful evening- this time with my friend from college. Connie was in our wedding and she drove 2 hours to take me to dinner! (And offered to do it again the next night!) 

Teresa arrived that evening and we all walked the aisles together the last day at the show. Perfect wrap to that part and then serious reunion crafting, shopping and exploring. Planning to share all that with you, in a way that you can fully appreciate the best of it. Hoping we can- more on that later as it comes together.

So, for now, thank you's to send and still more hearts- xo