House Wren Studio

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Tagged and inspired by Claudine! After some self-searching, here are 7 somethings about me:

1) A girl in my carpool pierced my ears on the way to school one day. I was 13 and it hurt like crazy the old way- needle, ice cube, potato. That was so long ago, my earlobes must hang down to my shoulders by now, but I feel weird without earrings.

2) I pick up big plastic toys and bikes set out with the trash and take them to the church or SA for donation. Can't stand seeing them go to the landfill.

3) I like my coffee made at home. Grocery store Starbucks French or Italian Roast super strong. 3 big cups and then that's it for the day. Never after noon.

4) Visited our daughter when she was in London, but have never been anywhere else in Europe or beyond.

5) I'd rather clean the bathroom than buy a plane ticket (see above). Not entirely about travel anxiety although it is part of the problem, more about giving so much money to a company that keeps the cash no matter what and then treats me like a prisoner start to finish.

6) I catch bugs in my hand to set free outside-- the nice ones anyway.

7) Haven't yet read a Harry Potter book even though Mo does the 2-day read the day she gets a new one. Must be good stuff, just never went that direction. I like random vintage thrift shop novels from the 30's and 40's --to read and then cut the phrases out for collage. And any book by Ann Patchett, Kaye Gibbons or Henry James.

And now I tag Deb, Janet, Susan and Pat......whatcha got?   xoC