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thinking about blogs


A very kind blogger over here nominated me for a thinking blog award. That was a surprise and I am very flattered to read why she chose me. Like most bloggers I think a lot about what I am doing here, who my audience is, if I'm posting relevant material, offering enough crafts, sharing the right aspects of myself....and then thinking about it the rest of the day. Sometimes into the night. I am a worrier and when it gets quiet here, I start to worry that I have lost my way.

There are a few blogs that came to mind quickly as my nominations because they are the places I go to calm my worries, relax and get back in the game. There are more than 5 though. (Just imagine that there are 2 more tiny men still inside the basket. BTW If anyone knows what the story is on this treasured bag-o-men, do let me know. The basket is 2" tall, capped with what looks like kimono silk and the 5 little men are about 1/2" tall. Are they an Asian version of trouble dolls? edit- read Mark's comment for an intriguing explanation. I was kind of close, well, that is if you go completely in the opposite direction of my guess.)

At the top of my blogroll and my list is 3191. These two close friends post a pairing of side-by-side photos that they take of their own household worlds at roughly the same time each day. 3191 miles apart, they don't plan the shots or talk about the posting. The way the images are mysteriously synchronized is fascinating. I go there almost every day for my little piece of quiet. It's a place to just stop and think.

Claudine's art blog is a daily reminder of why I love what I do. Her steady joy in her work, her honesty about the reality of life with art and its never ending to-do list always makes me feel like getting back to work. Making art isn't fun every minute but it sure is most of the time. She makes me think so anyway.

I have made a few friends like Teresa and Lisa. Seeing what they are up to makes me think they are right across the street or something. They are my community when I realize that everyone else in my world has gone off to a job. I go there with my coffee cup for gabbing, commiserating, news, advice, comfort, support and lovely inspiration. I always end up thinking how lucky I am to have found such good friends.

Lena is another friend like that, but her blog also makes me think of times gone by, simpler lives and a softer way of doing things. Seeing her pretty page banner, Victorian images and the world she portrays as Mrs. Staggs at Merryville is so reassuring and calming. My rocking chair blog.

5 mentions is the pattern for this meme. But I have to stretch this some. I love Crystal's writing, her touching story and how much it makes me think about my own young life. She brings out the mother/grandmother in me...and kindly tolerates all my unsolicited advice. Her little E (we had a little E too, now grown into big E) is soooooo precious and adorable.

And, there is my touchstone blog...Alicia at Posie Gets Cozy. I think nearly everyone visits her and knows why she is a thinking blog. It's like one-stop shopping there....talent, inspiration, LOL humor, honesty, beauty, amazing writing, a genuine brilliance that infuses my outlook with energy and optimism. Plus she writes about her hometown sometimes which is where I lived too. Always happy to take a side trip there.

There are more. I could list so many important blogs in my day. I recently told Maggie that I used to get up and walk the dog. Now I get up and walk the blog. It's a much longer walk, but it's not doing much to lower my cholesterol.

Here we are, another day of blogging has begun. Hoping it brings out the thoughtfulness in everyone.  Going out for a walk. xoC