House Wren Studio

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showers then partly sunny


Thank you all for the good wishes sent Mom's way. She is doing better after a trip to the doctor yesterday for a re-evaluation of her meds. I think we all tolerate discomfort better when there is caring activity and of course, pain meds that work. It needs to be noted that my brother Charlie has been heroic in his tireless efforts to look after her and begin a new job at the same time.

Last night 3 of my too-wonderful friends stopped by for a visit, bringing loveliness, flowers, cookies, conversation, and laughter. Just what she needed! (Actually, I don't know who was more grateful for that gesture. Might have been me.) Fluffing her pretty little apartment and putting on a dressy outfit was like a quickfire make-over of the spirit.

Today we went out in her cranky old Mustang (yes, I insist upon driving) and did some errands for little fix-ups here in her apartment. It isn't spring here every minute, but there are moments when the sun shines and the new green of everything surprises me. There are tulips, faded daffodils, pansies, hedges filling in with buds. I passed a dogwood in bloom yesterday- the only one on the street- as if planted just for me. I like it here especially at this time of year. It's still home. One of them anyway.   xoC